Business Hours
(phone calls & email)
Monday - Friday 8am to 4pm
Visits to our physical office, showroom or venue are by APPOINTMENT ONLY.
5901 Linglestown Road
Harrisburg, PA 17112
Business Hours
(phone calls & email)
Monday - Friday 8am to 4pm
Visits to our physical office, showroom or venue are by APPOINTMENT ONLY.
Office Phone: (717) 943-0589
Owner's Cell Phone: (717) 975-7089
(Please only call the owner's cell phone in case of an event rental emergency only.)
Location: 5901 Linglestown Road, Suite 200
Harrisburg, PA 17112
Email Address:
Office Visits (Showroom and Venue) are by Appointment.
**If you do not get a response to your email within a day, please look at your spam folder. Thanks!